
Snow Day!!

When I woke up this morning, I had the lovely surprise of SNOW falling outside my window! (Pretty exciting for a Florida girl!) I had heard rumor that there might be snow today, but the weatherman lied to me a few times last year so I didn't want to get my hopes up.

I was so excited and began taking pictures and videos and sending them to my boyfriend, Houston, and my family so I could have some people to share in my excitement (my roommate, Juliann, is home for a few days so I had the apartment all to myself).

I quickly made a bagel and my coffee and sat down on the floor to look in amazement at the snow falling out the window of our porch. Rare moments like these allow me to wonder in amazement at God's beautiful creation and how He dreamed this all up for us to enjoy. Here are a few pictures from my lonely, but still very exciting snow day!

Bagel, coffee, snow and my quiet time

What is this on my windshield??

I had to run an errand up to school and took a selfie to text around:) I was
obviously very exciting about the snow!

The "Mr. Beeson" statue at school is a famous landmark - captured him bearing the cold!

A little snow stuck on the ground outside my apartment.

The trees were covered after it snowed several hours, unfortunately it has stopped and
now all of the snow is gone. Hopefully we can get some more before winter
is over. My feelings are... if it's going to be this cold, it might
as well snow!

Have any of you had a snow day yet? What are some of your favorite activities to do in the snow?? I'm still a newbie at this stuff!

My parents flew in town tonight and my brother and I took them to dinner at a yummy place called Five in Lakeview area. They only serve 5 appetizers, 5 entrĂ©es, 5 drink specials, 5 white wines and 5 red wines... you get the picture. I had only been once before when they first opened and it had been very packed and loud, so I enjoyed it much more tonight when it was a smaller crowd and the food was 
AH-mazing (as my sister, Betsy likes to say!) Can't wait to go back! You've gotta get the white chocolate bread pudding for dessert - it's their only dessert because no one would order the other 4, so you know it's good!

Goodnight everyone:)

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