
My Love Languages

So I thought I would help my readers get to know me a little bit by listing just a few of the many things and people I love:


my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ
my parents, and siblings Betsy and Michael
my boyfriend, Houston
my incredible friends God has blessed me with throughout my 21 years
creating things - whether it is my newest entrepreneurial idea, crafts or food, I love to create!
the sunshine (with that also comes laying out)
long talks with my best friend and roommate, Juliann and discussing our newest life plans
the beach and the lake (still undecided as to which I prefer)
traveling (I hope to go abroad again soon!!)
watching college football
polka dots
Lilly Pulitzer
walks on the beach
cooking & baking
Penguins, only second to my favorite animal... Dogs!
tomato and mozzarella salads
green smoothies - my Aunt Lori just got me hooked! I'll write you the recipe soon!
New York City
@CuteEmergency - if you don't follow them on Twitter, you need to! It can brighten ANY day!
Taylor Swift's music (my INCREDIBLE boyfriend is taking me to see her in ATL in April!!!! Best boyfriend ever... YES!)
my mom's chocolate cake
the color yellow
driving with the windows down and blaring music (preferably with friends in the car with me)
Atlanta (my future home --- EEEK!)

What are some of your favorite things?? Your favorite city? Food? Place to shop? Or thing to do?

And if you like any of these things too and want me to elaborate, let me know and I can dedicate a post to some of the things listed above!


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