
30 Before 30

I originally wrote this post here. This page is to keep you updated on which items I've completed!

I've always been a goal-oriented person (I definitely get that from my dad!) and love having something written down so I can know how I'm doing in my progress of accomplishing those goals, so here we go...

1. Write a list of 30 goals and encourage others to do so (Please comment me a link to your own list!)
I had to give myself an easy one to start off with! Please comment me a link to your own list if you make one too!

2. Read my Bible more, as well as faith-based devotionals

3. Start our own company

4. Attend a blogging conference

5. Send my mom flowers out of the blue

6. Learn calligraphy and use it!

7. Have a picnic with Houston in an Atlanta park

8. Get a puppy!!!! We just need to agree on a breed we like first... stay tuned!

9. Read 5 books cover to cover
Thanks to book club in 2019 & 2020 and bottle feeding baby Margaret in the middle of the night, 
Currently reading... Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince & The Road Back to You
Next up... The Fifth Trimester by Lauren Smith Brody

10. Work at meal planning... so we stop making 5 trips to the grocery store each week ;)

11. Have friends over for a blind wine tasting

12. Successfully plant herbs (and keep them alive) in our backyard

13. Consistently workout and more importantly be content and happy with how I look

14. Get our porch updated and hang Edison lights outside

15. Run (and walk) a half marathon

16. Travel abroad with Houston

17. Cook a big meal and host a dinner party for friends

18. Watch a meteor shower

19. Go on a couples vacation

20. This is a stretch - learn to speak another language. Hopefully French! Oui oui

21. Then we should probably travel to France to use that French language ;)

22. Join Junior League of Atlanta

23. Spend time serving the homeless in Atlanta

24. Take a golf lesson. How proud will Houston be of me?!

25. Unplug for an entire weekend. I should do this at least once a year.

26. Invest in real sunglasses. No more $5 sunnies.
For Christmas 2016, Houston gave me the cutest Rayban sunnies! I love them and wear them all the time :)

27. Get better at budgeting, especially when it comes to groceries

28. Become a Pure Barre instructor - I have fallen in love with Pure Barre and would love to teach classes if the opportunity is available!
Never happened, but I did work the front desk for about a year, does that count?!

29With our recent interest of wine the last few years, go to Napa Valley with Houston

30. Throw a huge birthday bash for Houston's and my 30th birthdays!

There it is! I'll keep you all posted on how my goals are coming along by posting this to a separate page as well.

Thank you Business Insider for some inspiration!

xox, A

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