
30 Before 30

I recently turned 25 and I think it's time to retire my "25 before 25" list 
and work on some new goals for the next 5 years!

I blogged a few months ago with some goals for the 2016 calendar year,
but this goes beyond just this calendar year!

So here we go, here are 30 goals I hope to accomplish before I turn 30 on May 19. 2021:

1. Write a list of 30 goals and encourage others to do so (Please comment me a link to your own list!)
2. Read my Bible more, as well as faith-based devotionals
3. Start our own company
4. Attend a blogging conference
5. Send my mom flowers out of the blue
6. Learn calligraphy and use it!
7. Have a picnic with Houston in an Atlanta park
8. Get a puppy!!!! We just need to agree on a breed we like first... stay tuned!
9. Read 5 books cover to cover
10. Work at meal planning... so we stop making 5 trips to the grocery store each week ;)
11. Have friends over for a blind wine tasting
12. Successfully plant herbs (and keep them alive) in our backyard
13. Consistently workout and more importantly be content and happy with how I look
14. Get our porch updated and hang Edison lights outside
15. Run (and walk) a half marathon
16. Travel abroad with Houston
17. Cook a big meal and host a dinner party for friends
18. Watch a meteor shower
19. Go on a couples vacation
20. This is a stretch - learn to speak another language. Hopefully French! Oui oui
21. Then we should probably travel to France to use that French language ;)
22. Join Junior League of Atlanta
23. Spend time serving the homeless in Atlanta
24. Take a golf lesson. How proud will Houston be of me?!
25. Unplug for an entire weekend. I should do this at least once a year.
26. Invest in real sunglasses. No more $5 sunnies.
27. Get better at budgeting, especially when it comes to groceries
28. Become a Pure Barre instructor - I have fallen in love with Pure Barre and would love to teach classes if the opportunity is available!
29With our recent interest of wine the last few years, go to Napa Valley with Houston
(Maybe for our 3rd wedding anniversary trip?? Yes please!)
30. Throw a huge birthday bash for Houston's and my 30th birthdays!

There it is! I'll keep you all posted on how my goals are coming along by posting to a separate page as well. You can find it at the top of my blog under the "30 Before 30" page.

Thank you Business Insider for some inspiration!

It's fun to think about where Houston's and my life will be five years from now. Where do you see yourself in five years? And what do you hope to accomplish?

xox, A

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