
Meal Budgeting

One of my favorite classes this semester has been Food Prep 101! This is one of my only "fun" classes I've taken at school (meaning it wasn't required for my major or minor) and I've loved learning some life skills by taking this class.

Our final project is due the last week of class and we are required to come up with a week's worth of meals (dinners require recipes) in which we cannot spend more than $78 for the entire week on the 21 meals.

I know this will require some time, but I'm really looking forward to this assignment. It won't be long until I'm on my own and needing to budget like this for healthy meals and I think I will actually use it once I have created the meal plan.

I have a few resources I've already planned on using (which I wanted to share with you) and was curious if any of you had suggestions for meals I should make that are quick and inexpensive to make, or other resources you'd recommend I use!?
I would love any and all suggestions you have for saving money on groceries and meal recipes!



  1. I love the resources you've suggested for meal budgeting. The things I do are: always make a grocery list, if I don't and wind up buying all sorts of things I don't need and b) buying my product from farmer's markets. I like to buy organically and stores like Whole Foods have huge markups. Farmer's markets are surprisingly inexpensive because it's farm-direct so you know it's organic without them having to pay for the organic label and there's no store middle man.

    1. Those are great tips, Kate! I'm always looking for advice on better meal planning. I certainly always need a grocery list too or else I'll buy whatever my stomach is craving! Thank you for your comment :)
