
Step Sing Results [A little delayed]

My apologies for the delay but life has been a little crazy the last two weeks with recovering from Step Sing and visiting Atlanta this past weekend for a PRSA Real World Conference and got to celebrate Valentine's Day with Houston! But I did not want to overlook Chi Omega's Step Sing show that I am so very proud to have been able to participate in! Our theme was "Deliver Us" and we were prisoners. Below are two different angles of the show we performed two weekends ago:

Samford provided a live stream of Saturday night's performance online, I like this one because you can see everyone's faces up close.

Here is a balcony view which lets you get to see all of our formations and the feel of the whole show.

A huge thank you to our amazing directors Grace Kimrey and Augusta Clark, as well as our choreographer Mary Claire Fuqua and music director Lauren Barry. Thank you for putting together such a remarkable show and unforgettable senior performance for me, personally.

 Chi O brunch at Brio with Houston

 My parents, Michael, Betsy, Houston and his parents joined me for the Chi O brunch! It was so special to all get to be together in Birmingham.

Oh Marie, and Destiny's Child was born!


Best friends since 5th West: Me, Jenna, Lauren, Tatum & Jessie

Just getting in character:) A prisoner, 3 orphans and a bride!

It is certainly weird that this was my last Step Sing as an undergrad, hope I get to come back in the years to come! You can see our shows from the last 3 years here. Congratulations to the top 3 finishers: 1. Pi Kappa Phi, 2. Dudes-A-Plenty and 3. IGnite

I'll be back soon,

Fitness Update:
Been able to go to Pure Barre about 3 days a week, trying to add in some cardio this week too!

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