
Step Sing Season begins...

In honor of Step Sing season beginning this weekend I thought I'd reflect on Chi Omega's shows the last three years while I've been at Samford. I was able to participate my freshman and sophomore years and now my final Step Sing memories (sentimental, I know!) will begin this weekend, and I could not be more excited!!!

For those of you who don't know what Step Sing is, let me explain the biggest production and show Samford puts on every year. You could say spring semester doesn't really begin until after President's Weekend. Nearly everyone participates in Step Sing and so on top of our busy school schedules and social calendars we manage to spare three hours almost every night for three weeks for Step Sing practices, tech rehearsals and three amazing performances to compete for the very coveted 
1st Place Sweepstakes!

I cannot wait to perform with my Chi Omega sisters for my final time next month! Well tonight is Banner Drop! Where all the participants meet in the gym to "reveal" our banners that reflect our theme. The key is to describe the name of your show without giving away the theme of it! 

Here are our shows the past three years!!

2010 - A Knight's Tale (Batman)

2011 - Imagine That (Toys)

2013 - Deliver Us Can't wait to show you our video in a few weeks!! Stay tuned:)

Fitness Update:
I joined Pure Barre yesterday and attended class yesterday and today with Juliann and Jaime! Pretty tough getting back into, but I know it'll be worth it! And Friday I went to the gym just do the elliptical for 20 minutes and some abs because I was so sore from Thursday! I'd say a pretty good start to my fitness goals!

Happy Step Sing season everyone!

P.S. Oh yea, and my last semester of college starts tomorrow!! CRAZY! But so very excited for it to begin!

[POST UPDATE - 2013 Video posted]

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